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A Complete Martial Artfor everyone

[Melee] [Weapons] [Self Defense] [Vital Points]

Tai Jutsu:


Nin-Jutsu relies on the natural strength of each individual, the practice is diametrically opposed to all other Martial Arts systems.

Nin-Jutsu does not attempt to channel the practitioner's reactions into series of stylized, predetermined movements.

Nin-Jutsu proposes to work (and react) with a natural movement.

This Art is based on the study of principles which once understood (and not mastered) allow the creation of thousands of different movements.

The techniques make the body work in a natural dynamic, exploiting the constitution each: Big-Small-Flexible-Young-Aged...

Everyone develops their Nin-Jutsu.


In Nin-Jutsu all weapons are represented:
  • The Saber (Katana-wakizashi-Tanto)
  • The Stick (Bô) of 1.80M
  • The Medium Staff (Hanbo)
  • Le Jô (medium stick)
  • The rigged stick
  • The Curved Spear (Naginata)
  • The Straight Spear (Yari)
  • The Rope (Hojo Jutsu)
  • The Chain (Kusari Fundo)
  • The Shuriken (Hira and Bô Schurken)
As well as other so-called "natural" weapons. These are weapons from everyday objects: Pen-Broom-Handbag...

Despite the age of Nin-Jutsu, it is modern in applications of modern life.

Self defense

Personal protection or Self defense has always been present in Nin-Jutsu. It is not reserved for women only, but for all age groups and conditions.

A person can be assaulted in the street but also at home. An assault can also occur in a waiting room or on a train (where space is limited).

Nin-Jutsu provides all the answers to all situations. Sometimes it's about using common sense.

A woman can use her handbag to strike a blow during an attack but also a broom if the attack occurs at home. In this case a broom or an aerosol product is extremely effective.

The Ninja transformed all ordinary objects into formidable weapons. It is the same today.

Our history

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